Got tagged by Kelly..
here are the rules:
1. Make a list of what you want on your birthday…
2. The list should be 10 numbers
3. Post the image of this award in your posting
4. Give it to 10 friends of yours.
I will be celebrating my 30th (yikes!!) on April so this is very timely..
1. A healthy, normal and happy baby
2. Safe delivery with fast recovery
3. More projects for Paolo
4. Good health and finances for everyone in the family
5. An efficient and trusted yaya/midwife
6. Accomplish my material wishlist (a watch and 3 bags.. at least! this will rely on #3. hehe)
7. Another promotion (perhaps?)
8. To get back to my pre-pregnancy weight within nine months.. max
9. More blissful married life (not that its not.. I hope that it will get better every year)
10. To be a better wife, partner, daughter, sister, friend and most importantly a mom. I hope that I will be selfless for my baby and have the patience and wisdom in disciplining and raising him up.
Feel free to snag this one :)