Got tagged by Pat : )
Some Rules:
1. You can include in the post a picture of your favorite soap or the sopa you are currently using.
2. Please post this in the blog which you will add in the "blogs that joined." You can add unlimitted number of blogs as long as this tag is posted there.
3. Please link back to the person who tagged you and pass this tag to many of your friends.
4. If you have more than one blog, please post this to all of your blogs so your other blogs can be listed to the master list too.
5. Remember to come back here at DANCING IN MIDLIFE TUNE (pls. don’t change this link) and leave the exact post url so I can add you to the master list as this is one way to help increase our rankings and improve our Technorati Authority. :)
6. Tag as many friends as you can.
BLOGS THAT JOINED: Dancing in Midlife Tune - Aeirins Collections - BiznHoney - Kidd Designs - Shopaholic Ties The Knot - My Random Thoughts - YOUR BLOG
Soap Questions:
1. Favorite Soap: Dove soap in Cucumber and Green Tea. So refreshing!
2. Facial Soap: Clean and Clear deep action wash
3. Body Soap: Dove Body Wash in Cucumber and Green Tea
4. Intimate Soap: PH Care
5. Laundy Soap: Tide
6. Undies Soap: Perla
7. Baby Soap: Not Applicable.. yet.. hehe
8. Favorite Shampoo: Pantene Total Care Shampoo
9. Favorite Conditoner: Pantene Total Care Conditioner
10. Baby Shampoo: NA pa din.. haha!
::End Copy::I am tagging Kathy, Gracie and Jhona
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My Long Weekend
Was packed! But I was still able to catch up on my lost hours of sleep.
Saturday: Practically spent the whole morning sleeping. Afternoon, we (Me, Paolo and his dad) had to go to Lipa Batangas. Paolo's tito passed away so we had to go there to attend the wake. Traffic was really bad that it took us 4 hours to reach Lipa. We left our house at around 4pm and arrived past 8 na. We were so hungry by then so we had to eat dinner first at a nearby restaurant before heading to the cathedral where the wake was. When we arrived at around 9pm, most of the people already left. Paolo's mom had already been complaining that ang tagal daw namin dumating. We stayed there till 11.. mas matagal pa yung travel time namin than the time we actually stayed at the wake. Balikan lang kami so we had to leave din early since we were going back the next day for the funeral.
Sunday: We had to wake up early since the funeral service will be at 12nn. Had to drag myself out of the bed coz I was still tired from that road trip yesterday. This time however, our travel was a lot lighter. There was little or no traffic at all at SLEX. It was raining during the service so Paolo and me opted to just stay in the car. We left Lipa at around 2 and had lunch at Pancake House in SLEX.
While we were there, as usual, the relatives were asking again if I was already pregnant. This is why I am already at the point where I am starting to dislike attending family affairs. We just responded to them that wala pa talaga and that we are "working" on it. This time, his cousin suggested "hilot". As I have written here, my mom is a doctor and being one, we were not raised to believe in this practice. No offense to the believers of hilot but nobody in our family had hilot. His cousin was claiming that another cousin who was trying to get preggy for almost a year had hilot and she got pregnant. Being "desperate", I told Paolo that we should give it a try. Maybe this was just what we needed. So maybe in the coming weeks, this manhihilot will be coming over to our house. I'll let you all know how it will turn out.
On a lighter note, Paolo and I decided to go on a vacation. A trip that will just be the two of us. In short, our long overdue honeymoon. For the past 2 years. our trips abroad and out of town were either with our friends, his family or mine. We are planning to go to Hong Kong on October 31 to November 2 to be exact. No confirmed bookings yet as we are still looking for hotels in Hong Kong and try to get our free tickets from PAL from our earned miles. We might squeeze in a day trip to Macau to check out their own version of Las Vegas. This will be a very exciting adventure!
Saturday: Practically spent the whole morning sleeping. Afternoon, we (Me, Paolo and his dad) had to go to Lipa Batangas. Paolo's tito passed away so we had to go there to attend the wake. Traffic was really bad that it took us 4 hours to reach Lipa. We left our house at around 4pm and arrived past 8 na. We were so hungry by then so we had to eat dinner first at a nearby restaurant before heading to the cathedral where the wake was. When we arrived at around 9pm, most of the people already left. Paolo's mom had already been complaining that ang tagal daw namin dumating. We stayed there till 11.. mas matagal pa yung travel time namin than the time we actually stayed at the wake. Balikan lang kami so we had to leave din early since we were going back the next day for the funeral.
Sunday: We had to wake up early since the funeral service will be at 12nn. Had to drag myself out of the bed coz I was still tired from that road trip yesterday. This time however, our travel was a lot lighter. There was little or no traffic at all at SLEX. It was raining during the service so Paolo and me opted to just stay in the car. We left Lipa at around 2 and had lunch at Pancake House in SLEX.
While we were there, as usual, the relatives were asking again if I was already pregnant. This is why I am already at the point where I am starting to dislike attending family affairs. We just responded to them that wala pa talaga and that we are "working" on it. This time, his cousin suggested "hilot". As I have written here, my mom is a doctor and being one, we were not raised to believe in this practice. No offense to the believers of hilot but nobody in our family had hilot. His cousin was claiming that another cousin who was trying to get preggy for almost a year had hilot and she got pregnant. Being "desperate", I told Paolo that we should give it a try. Maybe this was just what we needed. So maybe in the coming weeks, this manhihilot will be coming over to our house. I'll let you all know how it will turn out.
On a lighter note, Paolo and I decided to go on a vacation. A trip that will just be the two of us. In short, our long overdue honeymoon. For the past 2 years. our trips abroad and out of town were either with our friends, his family or mine. We are planning to go to Hong Kong on October 31 to November 2 to be exact. No confirmed bookings yet as we are still looking for hotels in Hong Kong and try to get our free tickets from PAL from our earned miles. We might squeeze in a day trip to Macau to check out their own version of Las Vegas. This will be a very exciting adventure!
How my day went,
Thursday, August 14, 2008
6 Layers
…Of YOU. from Kathy
RULES:1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list HERE! Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link of the here.3. Copy from Start to End.4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.
Copy this Participants List: Me and Mine Creative in Me For the LOVE of Food Little Peanut Pea in a Pod It’s Where the HEART Is Around the World SugarMagnolias I Am Mommy All About The Memories Enchanted Play Just My Scrap Whats Up Simply Me Kitchen Deelite A Mothers Horizon In Depth A Life in Bloom Because Life is a Blessing Digiscraptology Joys iN life Life is What we Make it Photo Blog Dancing in Midlife Tune Mommy Talks Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps All Kinds of Me Stuff The Salad Caper Winding Creek Circle InkBabyStudios All Things Me Feels Like Home Because Life Is Fun Blessings and Beyond Mommy Earns Money Online Pinay Mommy Online Clark & Butchay’s Blog Butchay’s World Simply Jen Jenny Said So My Online World My Life in this Wonderful World Biz-N-Honey Aeirin’s Collections My Precious Niche Eds Mommy Life Just Me.. Eds My BIG Picture Merger Guru Quicker8 Insights from the Grocery Cart MindBubbles LivingtheHealthyLife VanityKit Stripe&Yellow SomethingPurple Em’s DetourJoys iN life Life is What we Make it Photo Blog Dancing in Midlife Tune Ozzy’s Mom Me,Myself+2 Kidd Designs Fun.Fierce.Fabulous Tints of My Heart when mom speaks walk on red kathycot buhay misis kathycot cooks My Random Thoughts My World
– Name: Tracy
– Birth date: April 18
– Birthplace: Quezon City, Philippines
– Current Location: Makati City, Philippines
– Eye Color: Black
– Hair Color: Black
– Righty or Lefty: Righty
– Your heritage: Filipino
– The shoes you wore today: Nine West peeptoe with kitten heels
– Your weakness: Desserts
– Your fears: Death
– Your perfect pizza: Four-cheese pizzas of Italliannis and Yellowcab
– Goal you’d like to achieve in life: To be a good mother, wife, daughter and friend
– Your most overused phrase on AIM: what is AIM? :)
– Your first waking thoughts: wana go back to sleep!!
– Your best physical feature: my fair complexion :)
– Your most missed memory: the carefree days of being a highschooler
– Pepsi or Coke: Coke
– McDonald’s or Burger King: McDo
– Single or group dates: Either
– Adidas or Nike: Nike
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
– Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
– Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee
– A famous person, dead or alive, would you interview: Ellen DeGeneres
– Movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors: None! have a bad memory memorizing the lines
– Name two of your passions in life : Building a family and does shopping count? Haha :)
– Least favorite time of day: 5:30 AM - My waking hour
– Use hairspray or gel: hairspray but only when I need to attend special occassions
– Your favorite meal: Breakfast. at least you can eat a lot without guilt since its the most important meal of the day.
– Color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes: gray
– Listen to classical music: sometimes
– Ever said LOL in real life without thinking about it: No
Passing this on to Kelly, Jody, Pat and Gracie
RULES:1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okey if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list HERE! Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link of the here.3. Copy from Start to End.4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join.
Copy this Participants List: Me and Mine Creative in Me For the LOVE of Food Little Peanut Pea in a Pod It’s Where the HEART Is Around the World SugarMagnolias I Am Mommy All About The Memories Enchanted Play Just My Scrap Whats Up Simply Me Kitchen Deelite A Mothers Horizon In Depth A Life in Bloom Because Life is a Blessing Digiscraptology Joys iN life Life is What we Make it Photo Blog Dancing in Midlife Tune Mommy Talks Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps All Kinds of Me Stuff The Salad Caper Winding Creek Circle InkBabyStudios All Things Me Feels Like Home Because Life Is Fun Blessings and Beyond Mommy Earns Money Online Pinay Mommy Online Clark & Butchay’s Blog Butchay’s World Simply Jen Jenny Said So My Online World My Life in this Wonderful World Biz-N-Honey Aeirin’s Collections My Precious Niche Eds Mommy Life Just Me.. Eds My BIG Picture Merger Guru Quicker8 Insights from the Grocery Cart MindBubbles LivingtheHealthyLife VanityKit Stripe&Yellow SomethingPurple Em’s DetourJoys iN life Life is What we Make it Photo Blog Dancing in Midlife Tune Ozzy’s Mom Me,Myself+2 Kidd Designs Fun.Fierce.Fabulous Tints of My Heart when mom speaks walk on red kathycot buhay misis kathycot cooks My Random Thoughts My World
– Name: Tracy
– Birth date: April 18
– Birthplace: Quezon City, Philippines
– Current Location: Makati City, Philippines
– Eye Color: Black
– Hair Color: Black
– Righty or Lefty: Righty
– Your heritage: Filipino
– The shoes you wore today: Nine West peeptoe with kitten heels
– Your weakness: Desserts
– Your fears: Death
– Your perfect pizza: Four-cheese pizzas of Italliannis and Yellowcab
– Goal you’d like to achieve in life: To be a good mother, wife, daughter and friend
– Your most overused phrase on AIM: what is AIM? :)
– Your first waking thoughts: wana go back to sleep!!
– Your best physical feature: my fair complexion :)
– Your most missed memory: the carefree days of being a highschooler
– Pepsi or Coke: Coke
– McDonald’s or Burger King: McDo
– Single or group dates: Either
– Adidas or Nike: Nike
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
– Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
– Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee
– A famous person, dead or alive, would you interview: Ellen DeGeneres
– Movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors: None! have a bad memory memorizing the lines
– Name two of your passions in life : Building a family and does shopping count? Haha :)
– Least favorite time of day: 5:30 AM - My waking hour
– Use hairspray or gel: hairspray but only when I need to attend special occassions
– Your favorite meal: Breakfast. at least you can eat a lot without guilt since its the most important meal of the day.
– Color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes: gray
– Listen to classical music: sometimes
– Ever said LOL in real life without thinking about it: No
Passing this on to Kelly, Jody, Pat and Gracie
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Chores I hate
Still catching up with so many tags. This one now is from Pat

~~~START COPY~~~This meme is pretty simple.Here are the rules:1.) List down the household chores you hate and why. Do you think you can survive without helpers and nannies?2.) Copy the image.3.) Tag as many girlfriends you want, the daddies and hubbies can also join.4.) Add your blog’s link in the domesticated divas linky love. You can add all your blogs.5.) Leave ME a comment and I’ll add you up in the masterlist.DOMESTICATED DIVAS: Living the Healthy Life / Sripe&Yellow / Vanity Kit / Mind Bubbles / Something Purple / Em’s Detour / Me,Myself+2 / Kidd Designs / FunFierceFabulous / Ozzy’s Mom / Insights from the Grocery Cart / Living A’ La Mode / God’s Best Gift / MommyAllehs Up-Close And Personal / My Precious Niche / Just Me.. Eds / Eds Mommy Life / Aggie Shoots Aggie Scraps / All Kinds of Me Stuff / The Salad Caper / Winding Creek Circle / InkBabyStudios / Joys in Life / Me and Mine / Little Peanut / Creative in Me/ Pea in a Pod / Sugarmagnolias / Notable Bistro / Around the World / I am Mommy / All About The Memories / Enchanted Play / In Depth / A Housewife’s Journal / Life Together Starts / As We Face Forever / My Happy Place /Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy / Walk on Red / All Things Me / Because Life Is Fun / Feels Like Home / Growing up with Bea / My life… my own piece of heaven / Around the World / Hobbies and Such / My life in this Wonderful World /My Online World / / My Virtual Closet / My Views On My So Called Life / The Real Deal The Real Me / Changing Lanes/ Pit Stop/ Around the World / The Fountain Of Happiness / The Joy Of Life Forever / Love Is / Phtographic Memories / My life in this Wonderful World /My Online World / Me and Mine / Little Peanut / Creative in Me/ Pea in a Pod / Sugarmagnolias / Notable Bistro / Around the World / My Colorful World / In This Game of Life / My Family is my Life / Shopaholic Ties The Knot / My Random Thoughts / My World
~~~END COPY~~~

~~~START COPY~~~This meme is pretty simple.Here are the rules:1.) List down the household chores you hate and why. Do you think you can survive without helpers and nannies?2.) Copy the image.3.) Tag as many girlfriends you want, the daddies and hubbies can also join.4.) Add your blog’s link in the domesticated divas linky love. You can add all your blogs.5.) Leave ME a comment and I’ll add you up in the masterlist.DOMESTICATED DIVAS: Living the Healthy Life / Sripe&Yellow / Vanity Kit / Mind Bubbles / Something Purple / Em’s Detour / Me,Myself+2 / Kidd Designs / FunFierceFabulous / Ozzy’s Mom / Insights from the Grocery Cart / Living A’ La Mode / God’s Best Gift / MommyAllehs Up-Close And Personal / My Precious Niche / Just Me.. Eds / Eds Mommy Life / Aggie Shoots Aggie Scraps / All Kinds of Me Stuff / The Salad Caper / Winding Creek Circle / InkBabyStudios / Joys in Life / Me and Mine / Little Peanut / Creative in Me/ Pea in a Pod / Sugarmagnolias / Notable Bistro / Around the World / I am Mommy / All About The Memories / Enchanted Play / In Depth / A Housewife’s Journal / Life Together Starts / As We Face Forever / My Happy Place /Iam Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy / Walk on Red / All Things Me / Because Life Is Fun / Feels Like Home / Growing up with Bea / My life… my own piece of heaven / Around the World / Hobbies and Such / My life in this Wonderful World /My Online World / / My Virtual Closet / My Views On My So Called Life / The Real Deal The Real Me / Changing Lanes/ Pit Stop/ Around the World / The Fountain Of Happiness / The Joy Of Life Forever / Love Is / Phtographic Memories / My life in this Wonderful World /My Online World / Me and Mine / Little Peanut / Creative in Me/ Pea in a Pod / Sugarmagnolias / Notable Bistro / Around the World / My Colorful World / In This Game of Life / My Family is my Life / Shopaholic Ties The Knot / My Random Thoughts / My World
~~~END COPY~~~
Household chores that I hate would simply be doing the laundry and ironing simply because I never really know how to do them. I only touched a washing machine and an iron once and it wasn't a success at all! I can wash the dishes (dishes lang, no pots and pans! hehe) and clean the house.
Passing this on to Gracie, Kathy and Sheryll
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Catching up..
Tags have piled up. Sorry girls for the delay.
Jody and Gracie tagged me this one:

coffeedrinkers: Living the Healthy Life / Vanity Kit / Stripe & Yellow/ Em's Detour / Mind Bubbles / Something Purple / Mommy Talks Aggie Shoots Aggie Scraps All Kinds of Me Stuff Winding Creek Circle InkBabyStudios The Salad Caper Scribbles of My Life In This Game of Life The Shopaholic In Me A Reality Bite My Random Thoughts My World
like a strong brew, their passion in blogging is hard to ignore and they love coffee too!
The Perfect Blend of Friendship from Jhona

Last but not the least, this one from Jan
The storm is over. The sun is shinning now. Smile at someone. Spread the happiness.
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.~Mark Twain
Passing this on to Kathy, Vina and Pat
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Bitten by the bug
The "tamad" bug that is. Trying so hard to blog and blog hop but I just can't get myself to visit as many blogs as I want to.
I have so many topics in mind to blog about but I'm just too lazy to.
I have so many topics in mind to blog about but I'm just too lazy to.
How my day went
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